Dating over 50 can be challenging in the best of times, and I think we can all agree this is not the best of times! It’s tough to keep up with the trends, technologies, and new dating customs while worrying about keeping yourself safe in a pandemic- but not to worry! I am here to help! See below for 5 easy tips for senior people dating during a pandemic!

1. Try Online Dating!Yes, yes, I know… dating online can seem impersonal and unromantic, and you might think you’ll miss out on your meet-cute: it’s always fun to tell your friends about the fortuitious meeting over a favorite book in a bookstore, or a run-in over the last rotisserie chicken at the supermarket! But in a pandemic, you can really make online dating work for you! There are plenty of apps out there, including ones that are geared towards those over 50! Yes, you can definitely try your hand at Tindr, but you might feel more comfortable on a site like Silver Singles- meant just for you!

2. Have a virtual wine night! Take advantage of the pandemic and have a whole date from the comfort of your own home! And, since no one is coming over, you don’t even have to clean! You can pick out a nice bottle of wine to share and each purchase it yourself, and if you want to go crazy you can even order in dinner from the same restaurant! All of the romance, and none of the pressure to shave your legs or wear your uncomfortable dress shoes. Downsides: you have to spend one more hour (or two, if it goes well!) on Zoom or Facetime. Upsides: you get to have the whole bottle of wine to yourself!

3. Enjoy the great outdoors! Ok, so you probably don’t feel comfortable having a sit-down date at an indoor restaurant. But this gives you a chance to liven things up! How many dinner dates have you been on in your life? Probably a lot! But there’s a whole lot of other fun things senior people can do! Bring out your inner child and make a visit to the zoo- it’s not just for kids! Take a nice walk at the park, or have a picnic! Or, if you’re feeling really adventurous, you could go white water rafting, hiking, camping- the world is your oyster and dating doesn’t have to be dull!

4. Most importantly -stay safe, but have fun! As someone over 50, it’s important to stay safe while dating during a pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean your life needs to go on pause! Whether connecting with new people online, meeting up with dates virtually, or planning fun outdoor adventures, dating during a pandemic can force you to be more creative, and that might just be a huge plus! And once the pandemic is over, you might just find yourself with a new partner! Or at least a whole lot of great memories to laugh over with family and friends!